Singular and plural nouns Plural nouns that end in -s, -es, -ies, -ves, irregular plural nouns and nouns that have the same singular and plural form Aim To complete a crossword by changing singular nouns into plural nouns. Preparation Make one copy of the worksheet for each student. Level Elementary (A1-A2) Time 20 minutes Downloads
Preview and Download !Title: Plural nouns: nouns ending in y worksheet Author: K5 Learning Subject: Grade 2 Grammar: Plural nouns: nouns ending in y worksheet Keywords Downloads
Preview and Download !Plural Nouns Scoot 3 Write the noun in plural form. foot Plural Nouns Scoot 2 Write the noun in plural form. lower Plural NounsScoot 1 Write the noun fox. ... Super Teacher Worksheets - Answer Sheet 1 11 6 16 21 26 2 12 7 17 22 27 3 13 8 18 23 28 4 14 9 19 24 29 5 15 10 20 25 30 Plural Nouns Scoot foxes inches ... Downloads
Preview and Download !GRAMMAR WORKSHEET ALL Things Grammar Grammar Focus Special Plural Nouns Level Beginner to Elementary ANSWER KEY 1. fish 2. children 3. knives 4. leaves 5. deer 6. teeth 7. people 8. mice 9. feet 10. Octopi 11. geese 12. men 13. wives 14. Downloads
Preview and Download !Singular vs plural nouns Worksheet Author: K5 Learning Subject: Grade 1 Nouns worksheet: Singular vs plural nouns Keywords: nouns, using nouns, singular, plural, grade 1, grammar, english, worksheet Created Date: 1/13/2019 10:58:03 AM Downloads
Preview and Download !A. . Fill in the rest of the chart with the correct plural, singular possessive and plural possessive forms of each noun. B. rite whether the following nouns are singular possessive (SP), plural possessive (PP) or just plural (P) on the line. 1. s pajamas 2. our two families 3. husbands 4. s stairs 5. your math teachers 6. s jerseys 7. s tires ... Downloads
Preview and Download !Please visit our site for worksheets and charts Name _____ 1. It is our team and they are my men. 2. My mom helps me clean my teeth. 3. Downloads
Preview and Download !IIrregular Plural Nounsrregular Plural Nouns Use irregular plural nouns to complete these sentences. COMMON CORE L.3.1.B On the back, write the singular noun version of the irregular plural nouns above. 1. In October, the _____ fall from the trees. 2 A flock of _____ flew over the lake. 3. Downloads
Preview and Download !Singular and plural nouns exercises Exercise 1. Make the plural forms of the following nouns. _____ box woman crisis sky kid phenomenon toy child hero tomato sheep bacterium piano leaf life knife goose oasis roof ox medium datum trout dish Exercise 2. Complete the sentences with nouns in brackets. Downloads
Preview and Download !Nouns The regular plural form of nouns is made by adding an “s” to the end of the word. However, some words do not follow that rule. Plural forms that are made in some way other than just adding an “s” are called irregular plural forms. Make the plural form of nouns ending in “ch,” “sh,” “x,” “o,” or “ss” by adding ... Downloads
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